
Smart Fabric

Smart Fabric

Wearable technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by providing real-time data on the patient’s health. However, power supply is currently one of the key limitations of wearable biosensors.
My PhD work investigates how we can use human body energy (i.e. motion and heat) to power these sensors. I am developing smart fabrics that harvest the kinetic energy of our body and transform it into electrical energy. The goal is to create triboelectric fibres that are reliable, washable, and can be easily integrated with current electronics.
— Tommaso Busolo, Scientist in the Kar-Narayan Group

Adriana's Statement

Twist the ordinary to make it extraordinary, yet understandable, so that anyone can access the visual imagery and have a personal response. My most recent work examines emotions and memories through everyday artefacts and actions set in a domestic environment. By altering the familiar, the outcome is unpredictable. This triggers personal questions and individual interpretations by evoking memories and emotions. This creates a tension between the familiar and the alien. My work always adopts a level of anonymity to create a sense of universality. I enjoy re-creating memories to produce a visual landscape which will have a resonance beyond the immediate interpretation.
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