
Cooperation at the Microscopic Scale

Cooperation at the Microscopic Scale

Hannah’s PhD research combines her physical sciences training with her fascination for the natural world. Interested in the importance of cooperation in microbial ecology and the biotechnological potential of algae, her main focus is the nutrient exchange between algae and bacteria. Hannah uses experiments and mathematical modelling to explore the intertwined growth and nutrient dynamics that exist in algal-bacterial mutualisms. Hannah is based in the Physics Department’s Biological and Soft Systems research group, supervised by Dr Ottavio Croze. Her project involves collaboration with Professor Alison Smith’s group in the Department of Plant Sciences and Dr Rachel Foster at Stockholm University.
— About Scientist Hannah Laeverenz Schlogelhofer

Artist's Statement

Cass Baumberg is interested in painting, mixed-media illustration, and graphic design. She experimented with lino and drypoint printing, then created her own process - flattening crafted wire artefacts and printing directly from them. Through hanging the wire pieces in front of their likenesses in print, she explored ways of collapsing a 3-dimensional form into a 2-dimensional image. Cass is a sixth-form student studying Biology, History, Spanish, and Maths, and enjoyed relating her scientific interests to her artwork through this project. She intends to study biology at university which she hopes will also inspire her future art.
