
Redesigning DNA

Redesigning DNA

Enzymes are the most efficient and selective catalysts in nature, but are too fragile and expensive to be routinely used industrially. This project is exploring the use of DNA scaffolds to create artificial enzymes. We are employing chemical strategies to modify DNA nanostructures and introduce protein-like functionalities into DNA, with the aim developing a new method for enzyme design.
— Bill Stockham, Scientist in BioNano Engineering

Artist Priya Odedra

Integrating a background in biochemistry and the humanities, my interdisciplinary art practice explores cultural narratives. Through experimental installations, performance, and photography, I aim to interact with individuals and propagate a sense of intellectual freedom. In particular, I am interested in the relationship between humans, the natural environment, and technology. It is often implicated that an intervention on a personal level is required to change cultural perspectives concerning significant environmental problems. Can art, science, and technology, as paradigms of human identity, enable this "intervention" - one that cultivates compassion for other living systems and a sense of stewardship for the Earth?
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